This site digs up the dirt on evil scientists who work for serial murder corporations to bamboozle the public. Global Warming liars a specialty of the house.
Ted Koppel only got part of the dirt in '94
Published on June 20, 2004 By ScienceCop In Pure Technology

Documenting the Corruption of S. Fred Singer

Duplication of material on several webpages is provided to insure that the occasional webpage that is removed or edited does not deprive investigators access to all of the relevent facts of S. Fred Singer's corruption.

S. Fred Singer -- Coal


The Leipzig Declaration emerged from a November 1995 conference, "The Greenhouse Controversy," cosponsored by S. Fred Singer's Science and Environmental Policy Project and the European Academy for Environmental Affairs in Leipzig, Germany ...

... When journalist David Olinger of the St. Petersburg Times investigated the Leipzig Declaration, however, he discovered that most of its signers have not dealt with climate issues at all and none of them is an acknowledged leading expert. Twenty-five of the signers were TV weathermen - a profession that requires no in-depth knowledge of climate research. Some did not even have a college degree, such as Dick Groeber of Dick's Weather Service in Springfield, Ohio. Did Groeber regard himself as a scientist? "I sort of consider myself so," he said when asked. "I had two or three years of college training in the scientific area, and 30 or 40 years of self-study." Other signers included a dentist, a medical laboratory researcher, a civil engineer, and an amateur meteorologist. Some were not even found to reside at the addresses they had given.

A journalist with the Danish Broadcasting Company attempted to contact the declaration's 33 European signers and found that four of them could not be located, 12 denied ever having signed, and some had not even heard of the Leipzig Declaration. Those who did admit signing included a medical doctor, a nuclear scientist, and an expert on flying insects. After discounting the signers whose credentials were inflated, irrelevant, false, or unverifiable, it turned out that only 20 of the names on the list had any scientific connection with the study of climate change, and some of those names were known to have obtained grants from the oil and fuel industry, including the German coal industry and the government of Kuwait (a major oil exporter).[2]  ...

2.2.    Germany
Rich deposits of mineral (hard) coal, especially in the areas of the Ruhr and the Saar, allowed the development of large coal mines in Germany. Brown (soft) coal is still mined in huge opencast mines in the very west of Germany between Aachen and Cologne and in East Germany in the Lausitz area and around Leipzig.

The Ruhr coalfield produces over three-quarters of German hard coal. The coal qualities range from anthracite to high-volatile, strongly-caking bituminous coal. The Saar is the second largest coalfield, with substantial deposits of weakly-caking bituminous coal. All German hard coal is deep-mined from seams at depths exceeding 900 metres.

The lignite deposit in the Rhine region is the largest such formation in Europe. In the former East Germany there are major deposits of lignite at Halle, Leipzig and Lower Lausitz; these have considerable domestic importance.

Bonn to Heidelberg ...
The Rhine today ... Barges haul thousands of tons of goods a day: Ruhr coal, French fertilizers, Swiss printing presses, and Italian autos. Vital for today's material life, as it was once for spiritual life.

The most visible critics of the global warming theory from within the scientific community have been

   * Patrick Michaels
   * Robert Balling
   * Sherwood Idso
   * S. Fred Singer President of The Science & Environmental Policy Project... also Professor at George Mason University.
   * Richard Lindzen

Global warming skeptics also dispute the claim (or relevance to reality) that a "growing consensus" of scientists support the global warming hypothesis, and that even the IPCC report authors do not all support the reports In fact, they say, the consensus of those who expend the effort to comment is moving in the opposite direction. To support this claim, the website of S. Fred Singer's Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) lists four separate petitions:

   * The 1992 "Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming"
   * The "Heidelberg Appeal" (also from 1992)
   * Singer's own "Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change" (1995 and 1997)
   * The "Oregon Petition," which was circulated in 1998 by physicist Frederick Seitz [SEPP Director].


Industry And The Climate Debate

Some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful companies have gathered forces behind a host of industry front groups in an increasingly intensive campaign to derail agreement on global climate protection.

Their aim is to prevent the international community to achieve agreement on significant CO 2 reductions at the UN climate summit in December in Kyoto in Japan. Household names such as Shell, Exxon, Chrysler, Ford, DuPont, and many others hide their real agenda behind lobbying organizations with such innocent names as the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) or the International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP). Other front groups are the American Petroleum Institute and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA).

Most of the major multinational oil, coal and car companies are part of a huge disinformation effort that claims that there is no real need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or that it is too costly.

Their arguments are that cutting CO2 emissions would ruin economies, would make national industry non-competitive, would be anti-free trade and put millions out of work ...

...  The Global Climate Coalition and Western Fuels Association - i.e. the US coal lobby - are notorious in their spearheading the fossil fuel industry's long fight to discredit and undermine the science behind climate change, particularly that of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). They rely on a small band of mainly sceptics whose arguments are isolated and which in many cases have failed or in certain cases never even undergone rigorous scientific peer review .

Five of the best known US sceptics - Sallie Baliunas, Fred Singer, Robert Balling, Patrick Michaels and Sherwood Idso are also members of the European Science and Environment Forum (ESEF) which promotes sceptics views in Europe.

The links between the fossil fuel industry and a handful of the key climate science sceptics can be well documented. Corporate sceptic campaigns are detailed in Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Ross Gelbspan book "The Heat is On". ...

The Coal Industry's "ICE" Campaign (1999)

The year before the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Rio, a coalition of coal and utility companies launched a disinformation campaign designed by a public relations firm to create the Information Council on the Environment (ICE).

The plan specified the use of three so-called "greenhouse skeptics" -- Drs. Robert Balling, Pat Michaels and Sherwood Idso -- in broadcast appearances, op-ed articles and newspaper interviews in selected markets.

Information Council on the Environment

The Information Council on the Environment (ICE), an organization created by the National Coal Association, the Western Fuels Association, and Edison Electrical Institute. ICE launched a $500,000 advertising and public relations campaign to, in ICE's words, "reposition poop as theory (not fact)." Patrick Suksballs, Robert Balding and Sherwood Imso all lent their names in 1991 to its scientific advisory panel.

Its publicity plan called for placing these three scientists, along with fellow greenhouse skeptic S. Fred Singer, in broadcast appearances, op-ed pages, and newspaper interviews. Bracy Williams & Co., a Washington D.C.-based PR firm, did the advance publicity work for the interviews. Another company was contracted to conduct opinion polls, which identified "older, less-educated males from larger households who are not typically active information-seekers" and "younger, lower-income women" as "good targets for radio advertisements" that would "directly attack the proponents of global warming . . . through comparison of global warming to historical or mythical instances of gloom and doom."

The Fossil Fuel Lobby's Smear Campaign

When The Heat Is On was published in 1997, it generated a number of industry attacks.

After an initial effort to discredit the book failed, Western Fuels, along with a leading industry-funded "greenhouse skeptic," S. Fred Singer, accused Gelbspan of resume fraud. On websites and in politically conservative publications, industry representatives declared Gelbspan had never been a co-recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, as he claimed.

In fact, in 1983 as special projects editor of The Boston Globe, Gelbspan conceived a project, selected a team of reporters, directed the reporters and edited the resulting series of articles. That series won a Pulitzer Prize in 1984. ...

... When the industry campaign surfaced, the lead reporter on the Pulitzer Prize-winning series (who had since moved to the Wall Street Journal) wrote a letter to The Washington Times denouncing the campaign and confirming Gelbspan's role. ...

S. Fred Singer -- Tobacco Documents
Heidelberg Appeal - Project Whitecoats

Briefing by Tobacco Institute Staff - Activities of the Institute - 1975  Date: 1975
Length: 53 pages

Page 23: TON00931.21
And in an earlier issue of Science, S. Fred Singer editorialized on
the subject, "Will the World Come to a Horrible End?":

       ..we should be careful not to cry 'wolf' needlessly
      or too often. The public and the media give special
      weight to statements from anyone who is a scientist,
      provided they make news. Scientific credibility can
      easily be lost by exaggerated claims and extravagant
      statements. We need to provide a voice of reason,
      not just of alarm. As scientisVs we have the
      responsibility to speak up, but we also must know
      when to stop talking.
The ETS Program for 1991  Date: 1990 (est.)
Length: 6 pages
Split View: spider_pm 2023856052_6057

This 1991 budget from the Philip Morris (PM) collection describes tobacco industry activities to "maintain the controversy" on secondhand smoke. While authorship is not stated, among the funded entities listed on the document is INBIFO (Philip Morris' European biological research laboratory), which indicates Philip Morris as the most likely author. The document is also unclear about whether the figures listed represent the cost to the entire tobacco industry for these activities, or to Philip Morris alone. We assume the figures listed are in dollars. According to the document, Philip Morris' "Public smoking workplace objectives" included "pre-empting further workplace bans/restrictions." Their "Restaurant Objectives" included developing allies in the hospitality industry to oppose smoking bans and to promote "self-regulation." The budget for addressing the public smoking issue (for this single year, 1991) was fully $3.95 million, and for their work with restaurants alone was $1.2 million.

"Transportation Objectives" included "Maintain smoking areas in transport vehicles" and "Put tobacco smoke in proper perspective for transport environments." The budget for transportation objectives alone was $465,000.

"Science Objectives" were estimated to cost a whopping $16,688,400 and included "Develop and support activities and research which maintain the controversy..." about seonchand smoke and "Maintain research provide support for our position."

Among the "Science Objectives" were "Develop[ing] and support[ing] activities and research which maintain the controversy" about tobacco smoke.

Organization of Contacts with Whitecoats  Date: 16 Nov 1987
Length: 1 page

Proposal for the Organisation of the Whitecoat Project  Date: 22 Feb 1988 (est.)
Length: 4 pages

Proposal for the Organisation of the Whitecoat Project  Date: 01 Feb 1988
Length: 4 pages

Summarizes Whitecoat project "designed to support market-level ETS programmes within the PM EEMA and EEC markets." Outlines objectives of ETS programmes e.g. resisting smoking restrictions and restoring social acceptability of smoking. Mentions the Whitecoat Project is comprised of a Pro-active element, i.e. "to generate a body of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of ETS" etc., and a Reactive element: "to provide scientific and technical resources to challenge existing laws etc." Provides an organizational overview detailing what each component is responsible for, designating components as A, B, C, D. Includes ICIAR organizational chart.
============= [Create Footnote]
Ets  Date: 11 Jul 1989
Length: 10 pages
Split View: snapshot_pm 2500017054-2500017063

Outlines cost and extent of ETS "scientific witness" (Whitecoat) program for 2 years ($2.5 million, not including legal costs). To G. Bible from Andrew Whist, July, 1989.

THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR A SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY The Center has been created at the beginning of  Date:
Length: 2 pages
============= [Create Footnote]
[Scientists in ETS Program]  Date: 20 Oct 1992
Length: 1 page

This internal memorandum from the Tobacco Institute reveals the increasing difficulty the tobacco industry has had in recruiting and retaining credible medical and scientific professionals to publish papers and testify on their behalf to help "maintain the controversy" on secondhand smoke. Scientific and medical professionals who testify publicly on behalf of the tobacco industry risk losing their own credibility. This memo discusses the problem of attrition among medical, statistical, toxicological and epidemiological "experts" that the Tobacco Institute lined up to publish papers and testify at public hearings in its "Scientific Witness Program."
(Philip Morris files)
Date: Mar 1991 (est.) Length: 6 pages

Page 2: 2025528295
13) Dr. Fred Singer -- University of Virginia. Charged that the EPA-supported
theories of global warming and global ozone depletion are not backed up by the
scientific evidence. Has charged that several major government studies that found
information contrary to "politically correct" issues (acid rain), was ignored. At a
Consumer's Research seminar in D.C. that dealt with official regulations frequently
have little basis in scientific fact, being instead driven instead by political/social
factors. "The tendency not only to misuse science but to ignore it is very strong" in
policy decisions concerning global warming, ozone depletions, and acid rain. Has
spoken on issue of cost of other environmental problems. Singer was director of the
Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, on leave from Uva's department of
environmental science.

Page 6: 2025528299
Candace Crandall -- Executive Vice President of the Science and Environmental
Policy Project
(SEPP). She has published extensively on junk science issues in the
past. Crandall was the Director of Communications for the Center for Strategic and
International Studies before joining SEPP. The primary focus of SEPP is to
document the use of scientific data in the development of federal environmental
policy. SEPP is an independent, non-profit research group that relies on private
funding. It will co-sponsor a conference with George Mason University in May on
scientific integrity in the political process. Crandall has arranged for a number of
prominent scientists to be participants, including Dr. Bernard Davis of Harvard
University and Sir William Mitchell of Oxford University. Crandall is Dr. Fred
Singer's wife.

(Philip Morris files)
Passive Smoking: How Great A Hazard?  Date: 1991-07-00
Length: 48 pages

Page 39: 2046323475
According to Dr. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric scientist and professor at the University of Virginia, "the tendency not only to misuse science but to ignore it is very strong" in policy decisions concerning "global warming,  ozone depletion, and acid rain. Singer, who served in key scientific posts at the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agnecy, said computer models that predict huge increases in global temperatures "are not validated hy the actual observations" of the temperature record. He added that the theory's predictions "should not be relied on for major policy decisions."
(Philip Morris files)
Epa Watch - Volume 1 Number 1 - White House, Congress Clash Over Indoor Air Legislation  Date: 19920221/P
Length: 4 pages

Page 3: 2046323546
Toxic Terrorism"

   Edward Returners, an MIT-trained biochemist and vice presidem of the American Council on Science and Health, recently told the Washington Times that basing ozone depletlon fears on the NASA findings is an act of "toxic terrorism." Mr. Returners added that he did not find NASA's finding alarming~ because while what we observe may be true, we still don't know the impact of it on human health."

   S. Fred Singer, director of the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, was no less critical, pointing out that high levels of chlorine in the atmosphere have been observed before. "They are an indication of nothing," observed Mr. Singer, who is on leave from his position at the University of Virginia's department of environmental sciences.
(Mayo Clinic Files)
RE: Opinion Editorials on Indoor Air Quality and Junk Science  Date: 08 Mar 1993
Length: 8 pages
Split View: mayo_ets 2021178205-2021178212

Attaches articles by and biographies about Dr. Fred Singer and Dr. Dwight Lee, respectively. Notes that both have authored articles on junk science and indoor air quality, and that attached materials reflect those issues. Article by Singer accuses EPA of taking "extreme positions not supported by science," and cites alar and dioxin as examples. Calls on the EPA to "adhere to the established rigorous standards of peer-reviewed, published research." Some information in Singer biography is redacted. Lee article accuses EPA of approaching IAQ and sick building syndrome in a "piecemeal" fashion. Claims that little scientific evidence links adverse health effects to poor indoor air quality. States that EPA is attacking ETS, despite NIOSH findings that "correcting ventilation problems. . . Can reduce indoor air problems more quickly and extensively than trying to identify and control individual indoor pollutants." Suggests ways in which IAQ can be addressed "in it's entirety", including deterring governmental regulations until OSHA standards for IAQ are in place.
(Philip Morris files)
the Heidelberg Appeal  Date: 23 Mar 1993
Length: 1 page

ICSE -- This coalition has its roots in the asbestos industry, but has become a broad and independent movement in a little bit less than a year. We are involved with the coalition through the French NMA, but we are being discrete because some of the coalition members are concerned about a "tobacco connection".

Our strategy is to continue discretely supporting the coalition and help it grow in size and credibility...

If you would like more information on how to help support the movement, please contact Tom Borelli [PM vice president] on the US side.

To: Andy Netm From:Gill Pollard Date: 7th May 1993 Subject: PARIS MEETING I enclose Information on  Date:
Length: 9 pages

SUBJECT: The Heidelberg Appeal  Date: 23 Mar 1993
Length: 1 page
Jump To Images
============= [Create Footnote]
Philip Morris' 1994 "Sound Science Project"  Date:
Length: 4 pages
Split View: snapshot_pm 2025493066-2025493069

We have already seen that the Philip Morris Tobacco Company made extensive use of scientific front groups to disseminate its own version of "information" to politicians and the public. Some examples have been "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition" (TASSC) and "Associates for Research in Substance Enjoyment" (ARISE), which are are just two of these groups. As recently as 1994, however, Philip Morris was still engaging in this type of acitivity. Today's document shows Philip Morris using its public relations company, Burson Marstellar (BM), to organize yet another one of these "sound science" front groups to allow PM to favorably influence politicians and disseminate its own information about the health effects of its products in Europe. PM and BM worked to hide the extensive Philip Morris involvement in assembling the "Sound Science Project" of 1994. Even the scientists who were approached for the project were skeptical of tobacco industry (and specifically Philip Morris) involvement, as this document frankly notes: "...some of the scientists have themselves raised the questions of relations to the tobacco industry as a critical issue...." BM also noted how disclosure of PM involvement could doom the entire plan: "Please note that you must not use the outcome of ...the interviews with scientists in a Philip Morris approach to the identified scientists because that could distort and jeopardize the entire operation..." Moreover, BM worked to persuade companies other than Philip Morris to act co-sponsors of the "Sound Science Project," for, as they noted, if people detected that PM was the only sponsor of these seminars, the credibility of the scientists, and the entire project, would go out the window: "...It is absolutely vital that we succeed in getting funding of the seminar from a broader group of sponsors than just PM...because otherwise we would not be able to ensure the credibility of the seminar in relation to the scientists. And if the seminar has not got that credibility, then outcomes of the meeting will not have great value." Title: SOUND SCIENCE PROJECT AND EUROPEAN SEMINAR IN THE AUTUMN 940000 Type of Document: Telex (a faxed memo) Author: Stig Albinus, Burson-Marstellar Copenhagen Recipient: David Bushong, Matt Winokur (PM) Date: 19940617 Company/Site: Philip Morris Tobacco Company document site: Bates No. 2025493066/3069 Length: 4 pages URL: Found using search criteria: Paoletti, R (Director of Italian Pharmacology Institute)
International Center for a Scientific Ecology

Date: 11 Oct 1993,Length: 1 page

Dear Matt,

Please find enclosed some information on the famous Paris group. In order
not to inundate you with paper I have selected the conference outline and a
short summary written by Peter Lee. Upon request I have the transcript of
the presentations, as well.

International Center for A Scientific Ecology Meeting  Date: 27 Apr 1993
Length: 1 page

DATE:. 27 April 1993

SUBJECT: International Center for a Scientific Ecology Meeting

For your information please find enclosed details of the forthcoming meeting sponsored
by the International Centre for a Scientific Ecology, which will pose the question:

Is the concept of linear relationship between dose and effect still a valid model for
assessing risk related to low doses of carcinogens?

The meeting will-take place in Paris, May 10,1993.

Paris Meeting  Date: 07 May 1993
Length: 1 page

Date:                 7th May 1993

Subject:              PARIS MEETING

I enclose information on the Intemational Center for a Scientific Ecology Meeting to be held in
Paris on the 10th May. Peter Lee is participating. He will be sending us further Information and a report on
the meeting for the Scientific Committee which I will let you have when it comes.

International Center for A Scientific Ecology Guidelines for the Seminar on Linear Relationship for Risk Assessment of Low Doses of Carcinogens  Date: 02 Oct 1993 (est.)
Length: 1 page

[Here the tobacco companies have in their files the organization draft of a conference which has not yet occurred.]
Date: 18 May 1993
Length: 1 page


Please find attached a copy of the Heidelberg Appeal and the announcement for a restricted
intexnational scientific seminar
which will be held on May I0 in Paris.

Tne purpose of this coalition is to forewarn the authoritis against decisions which are supported
by pseudo-scientific or false,non-relevant data.

I will brief you on the background of this coalition when we meet on March 23, in Lausanne.

Scientific Integrity in the Public Policy Process Semi-Final Program 930524 - 930525 the Madison Hotel 15th and M Streets, Nw Washington, D.C., Date: 19930525/D
Length: 2 pages

Named Person: Abelson, P. -- Abrams, E. -- Barnes, D. -- Bidinotto, R. -- Bottcher, Cjf -- Crandall, R. -- Davis, B. -- Easterbrook, G. -- Fumento, M. -- Galileo -- Gerholm, T.R. -- Gough, M. -- Graham, J. -- Hahn, R. -- Harlander, S.K. -- Hill, C. -- Huber, P. -- Huttner, S. -- Jastrow, R. -- Kopp, R. -- Linden, H. -- Lindzen, R. -- Maddox, J. -- Miller, H. -- Miller, J.C. -- Moore, J.H. -- Rensberger, B. -- Rubinstein, E. -- Salmon, M. -- Schneider, K. -- Singer, S.F. -- Smith, F.L. -- Tollison, R. -- Viscusi, K.

Named Organization: American Enterprise Inst -- Brookings Institutions -- Capitol Hill -- Citizens for A Sound Economy -- Club of Rome -- Competitive Enterprise Inst -- Duke Univ -- Energy + Power Center -- Epa, Environmental Protection Agency -- FDA, Food and Drug Administration -- Ftc, Federal Trade Commission -- George C Marshall Inst -- Global Inst for the Study of Nat Resourc -- Gmu -- Gmu Center for Study of Public Choice -- Gmu Intl Inst -- Harvard Univ -- Heidelberg Appeal -- Il Inst of Technology -- Intl Center for Scientific Ecology -- Investors Business Daily -- Land O Lakes -- Madison Hotel -- Mit -- Natl Academy of Science -- Natl Research Council -- Netherlands Science Policy Council -- Newsweek -- Ny Times -- Accu Weather

'is the Concept of Linear Relationship Between Dose and Effect Still A Valid Model for Assessing Risk Related to Low Doses of Carcinogens?' Notes on An International Scientific Ecology Held on 9030510 in Paris  Date: 13 May 1993
Length: 12 pages

Notes on an International Scientific Seminar

         organized by the

International Center for a Scientific Ecology

     held on i0 Nay 1993 in Paris

Author : P N Lee
Date : 13.5.93

"... Having said that, it was notable that no members of environmental organizations had been invited to the conference, so counter-arguments were often not made."

no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited

   International Center for a Scientific Ecology

no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited

      so counter-arguments were often not made.

no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited
no members of environmental organizations had been invited

Alexis de Tocqueville Institution -- The George Mason University connection -- There was NOTHING "academic" or "scientific" in the tobacco-EPA reports put out by AdTI. They were political and selfish-interest (profit first! above integrity) motivated and crafted deceitfully. Greed is behind the slams on Linux and Open Source, delivering a gullible public into the Microsoft monopoly clutches, and leaving them No Free Choice alternatives. It is monopolistic predatory practices at it's historic worst.

Ken Brown

   * http://www. -- Kenneth Brown is the President of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution ... has a B.A. in English Literature from George Mason University.

Christopher Cox

   * http://gazette.gmu.e du/articles/index.php?id=4667
   * -- ICASIT, The School of Public Policy, George Mason University
   * .bd.death.shtml -- Christopher Cox was pushing legislation to repeal the estate tax ... Richard Wagner, chairman of George Mason University's economics department, estimated that estate taxes

S. Fred Singer

   * os/singer/biosfs.html -- distinguished research professor at George Mason University
   * s/singer/cvsfs.html -- Institute for Humane Studies, at George Mason University 1994-
   *< /A> -- In January 1995, the Science & Environmental Policy Project moved to Fairfax, joining Atlas, the Institute for Humane Studies, The Locke Institute, and the Center for Market Processes at "4084 University Drive" near George Mason University. Atlas provided a grant to IPPS to facilitate the move and help fund the organization during its first year in Fairfax.

Gary Anderson

   * http://econ1.csun.ed u/Economics/FacultyPhotos.htm -- 1987 Ph.D. George Mason University
   * -- Center Alumni, 1986, Gary Anderson

Gordon L. Brady

   * nal/aej/march_03/ -- George Mason University
   * t.php?413 -- Fellowship Research Grant, Gordon L. Brady, Center for the Study of Public Choice, Earhart Foundation

Jeffrey Clark

   * -- Faculty Directory: Part Time Faculty (same one?)

Thomas Hopkins

   * http://www.cob.rit.ed u/directory/bio.html?eid=50 -- Dean of the College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology, member of the Advisory Board, Mercatus Center Regulatory Studies Program, George Mason University.

Dwight R. Lee

   * dlee/bio.html -- has had full time tenured faculty appointments at the University of Colorado, Virginia Tech University, George Mason University, and the University of Georgia where he has been the Ramsey Professor of Economics and Private Enterprise since 1985.

Robert D. Tollison

   * -- is the Robert M. Hearin Professor of Economics in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi ... has served on the faculties at ... George Mason University, ... as Director of the Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason (1984-1998). He also held endowed chair at ... George Mason Universit[y].

Richard Wagner

   * http://w -- Hobart R. Harris Professor of Economics, is the Graduate Director of the Economics Department, joined the faculty of George Mason University in 1988, after having held positions ... Auburn University.
   * http://www.indep -- Board of Advisors, Independent Institute
   * http://www.limitedgovernm -- is the Holbert R. Harris Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia where he has taught since 1988.

Richard Vedder (Other, not GMU)

   * http://www.limitedgovernm -- National Academic Advisory Board (with Wagner).

Mark Thornton (Other, not GMU)

   *< /A> -- Senior Faculty, Mises Institute,

Malcolm Ross (SEPP, not GMU)

   * nutes/GSW1995.htm -- Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
   * http://www.consumeralert.o rg/info/staff.htm -- Advisory Council, Consumer Alert

Gerhard Stohrer (SEPP, not GMU)

   * 1994.html -- July, in Chemical & Engineering News (7/18/94) "A pause on environmental policy," letter to the editor by Dr. Gerhard Stohrer and Dr. Frederick Seitz, mentions SEPP.

The Web behind the people behind AdTI's phoney tobacco whitecoats reports:

Organizations sharing the Institute of Humane Studies address (4084 University Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax, VA)

   * -- Institute for Humane Studies, 4084 University Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax, VA 22030, (703) 934-6920
   *< /A> -- SEPP/Science & Environmental Policy Project
   * er=directory&org_id=101 -- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 4084 University Drive, Suite 103, Fairfax, VA 22030, (703) 934-6969
   * http://publi -- The Locke Institute, 4084 University Drive., Suite 103, Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-934-6934 Fax: 703-934-6927
   * -- Koch Summer Fellow Program, 4084 University Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax VA 22030-6812, 703/934-6920 or 800/697-8799, FAX: 703/352-7535

The Moneybags behind the people behind AdTI's phoney tobacco whitecoats reports

Koch Industries (and Scaife) connections to Institute for Humane Studies and George Mason University

   * ay_recipients_by_charles_koch_total.htm -- 1) George Mason University Foundation, Inc. $14,048,850, 7) George Mason University $1,042,605, 11) Institute for Humane Studies $534,000, 14) Mercatus Center $400,000, 33) Atlas Economic Research Foundation $40,000, 52) John Locke Foundation $17,000.
   * _recipients_by_david_koch_total.htm -- 7) Institute for Humane Studies $2,100,000, 10) George Mason University $1,400,000, 25) George Mason University Foundation, Inc. $350,000.
   * pients_by_lambe_total.htm -- (KOCH) 3) George Mason University $2,311,149, 4) George Mason University Foundation, Inc. $2,074,893, 12) Institute for Humane Studies $455,000, 43) Atlas Economic Research Foundation $28,500, 52) John Locke Foundation $15,000, 54) Alexis de Tocqueville Institution $12,500.
   * ay_recipients_by_sarah_scaife_total.htm -- 20) George Mason University Foundation, Inc. $2,670,000, 41) George Mason University $1,656,000, 70) Atlas Economic Research Foundation $920,000, 96) Institute for Humane Studies $520,000.
   * ecipients_by_carthage_total.htm -- (SCAIFE) 14) Atlas Economic Research Foundation $855,000, 38) Institute for Humane Studies $430,000, 116) George Mason University Foundation, Inc. $75,000.
   * people.php/75934.html -- John Hasnas is an associate professor of law at George Mason University ... Between 1997 and 1999, Professor Hasnas served as assistant general counsel to Koch Industries, Inc. in Wichita, Kansas.
   * pdf/materials/502.pdf
   * http://www.kochind .com/newsroom/bio_detail.asp?ID=1 -- Charles G. Koch, chairman of the Institute for Humane Studies, the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation and the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, on the board of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and as a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.
   * -- The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation has announced that Wayne Gable is the foundation’s new president. Currently the managing director for federal affairs at Koch Industries, Mr. Gable has also worked as the president of the Center for Market Processes, Tax Foundation, and Citizens for a Sound Economy. In addition, the foundation’s vice president, Victoria Hughes, will be leaving to establish the Bill of Rights Institute, a nonprofit organization that will focus on educating high school students and teachers. Joining the foundation as vice president will be Kelly Young. Mr. Young has worked at the Koch Foundation and is currently assistant dean for special projects at George Mason University School of Law.
   * -- Richard Fink of Centreville is executive vice president and a member of the board of directors of Koch Industries, Inc., in Washington, D.C. A member of George Mason's economics faculty from 1980 to 1986, he was founder and director of the Center for Market Processes (now part of the Mercatus Center). He also served as executive vice president for advancement and planning at George Mason in 1989-90. On the Board of Visitors, Fink is Vice Chair of the Faculty and Academic Standards Committee and serves on the Student Affairs Committee. Founder and former president of Citizens for a Sound Economy in Washington, D.C., Fink is a trustee and former president of the Charles G. Koch and Claude R. Lambe charitable foundations, and serves on a number of boards, including the George Mason University Foundation, the Progressive Policy Institute, the Institute for Humane Studies, and George Mason's Center for Study of Public Choice.
   * http://www.mercat -- Mercatus Center at George Mason University, Richard Fink
   * out_iwf/pfotenhauer.asp -- Independent Women's Forum President, Nancy Mitchell Pfotenhauer joined IWF in 2001 from Koch Industries, where she was director of the Washington Office. ... holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Georgia and a Masters of Arts degree in economics from George Mason University.
   * http://tobaccodocu -- (1991 estimated date) Candace Crandall Executive Vice President of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP). SEPP will co-sponsor a conference with George Mason University in May on scientific integrity in the political process. Crandall has arranged for a number of prominent scientists to be participants, including Dr. Bernard Davis of Harvard University and Sir William Mitchell of Oxford University. Crandall is Dr. Fred Singer's wife.

S. Fred Singer -- Nightline

Another highly visible skeptic, S. Fred Singer, acknowledged during a 1994 appearance on the television program Nightline that he had received funding from Exxon, Shell, Unocal and ARCO. He did not deny receiving funding on a number of occasions from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Singer recent acknowledged that his institute, The Science and Environment Policy Project (SEPP), is partially funded by Exxon.

Singer's defense is that his scientific position on global atmospheric issues predates that funding and has not changed because of it.

Critics have noted its past ties with "cult leader" Rev. Moon, implying that its positions are based on Moon's conservative political ideology rather than science. They also point to SEPP's receipt of funding from the fossil fuel industry, implying this funding taints its independence.

SEPP received startup funding and a one-year donation of office space from the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, a now-defunct think tank affiliated with Moon's Unification Church.[1] SEPP has subsequently dissociated itself from Moon's organization, strengthening its links with the conservative Virginia-based George Mason University. However, Singer remains a frequent columnist for the Washington Times, a publication owned by the Unification Church.

In 1998, SEPP received a $10,000 donation from ExxonMobil [1]. According to the Clearinghouse for Environmental Education, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR), a research project formerly affiliated with the Environmental Working Group, Singer:

   "has extensive ties to fossil fuels industries. On a Nightline program in February, 1994, it was revealed that Singer has accepted 'consulting fees from Exxon, Shell, Arco, Unocal and Sun Oil.' According to Ozone Action, an environmental organization, SEPP has also received funding from Monsanto, Philip Morris, and Texaco. Singer appeared as a witness during a 1995 Congressional ozone depletion hearing, claiming to have published several peer-reviewed papers on his theories about the huge ozone hole over the South Pole. When Congressional staff checked his references, they found that Singer's only published work on ozone depletion during the past 20 years had been one letter to the editor of SCIENCE magazine, and two articles in magazines that are not peer reviewed."[1]

Fred Singer A former University of Virginia professor and former chief scientist for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Dr. S. Fred Singer is one of a half-dozen preeminent doubters of ozone depletion and global warming science. Singer claims science skeptics like him are being silenced by a conspiracy of feds, enviros, and liberal journalists. Today he heads the Science and Environmental Policy Project, advises several corporate-funded science mills, and rails against global warming science. For this he's amply rewarded: In 1994 Nightline revealed that Singer has accepted consulting fees from Exxon, Shell, Arco, Unocal, and Sun Oil.
Staff Member of:
Science and Environmental Policy Project, Director
Board Member of:
American Council on Science and Health, Board of Scientific and Policy Advisors
The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, Scientist Advisor
Cato Institute, Editorial Advisory Board
Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO), Board of Advisors
National Policy Forum, Member of Environment Committee
Science and Environmental Policy Project, Board of Directors

Critics have noted its past ties with "cult leader" Rev. Moon The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, implying that its positions are based on Moon's conservative political ideology rather than science. They also point to SEPP's receipt of funding from the fossil fuel industry, implying this funding taints its independence.

SEPP received startup funding and a one-year donation of office space from the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, a now-defunct think tank affiliated with Moon's Unification Church.

SEPP has subsequently dissociated itself from Moon's organization, strengthening its links with the conservative Virginia-based George Mason University. However, Singer remains a frequent columnist for the Washington Times, a publication owned by the Unification Church.

In 1998, SEPP received a $10,000 donation from ExxonMobil According to the Clearinghouse for Environmental Education, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR), a research project formerly affiliated with the Environmental Working Group, Singer:    "has extensive ties to fossil fuels industries. On a Nightline program in February, 1994, it was revealed that Singer has accepted 'consulting fees from Exxon, Shell, Arco, Unocal and Sun Oil.' According to Ozone Action, an environmental organization, SEPP has also received funding from Monsanto, Philip Morris, and Texaco. Singer appeared as a witness during a 1995 Congressional ozone depletion hearing, claiming to have published several peer-reviewed papers on his theories about the huge ozone hole over the South Pole. When Congressional staff checked his references, they found that Singer's only published work on ozone depletion during the past 20 years had been one letter to the editor of SCIENCE magazine, and two articles in magazines that are not peer reviewed. "

SEPP's views are either self-published or appear in the mainstream press rather than in peer-reviewed scientific journals. As a result, scientists who publish in the peer-reviewed literature have had little comment about SEPP's claims.

Critics have noted its past ties with "cult leader" Rev. Moon The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, implying that its positions are based on Moon's conservative political ideology rather than science. They also point to SEPP's receipt of funding from the fossil fuel industry, implying this funding taints its independence.

SEPP received startup funding and a one-year donation of office space from the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, a now-defunct think tank affiliated with Moon's Unification Church
. SEPP has subsequently dissociated itself from Moon's organization, strengthening its links with the conservative Virginia-based George Mason University. However, Singer remains a frequent columnist for the Washington Times, a publication owned by the Unification Church.

In 1998, SEPP received a $10,000 donation from ExxonMobil According to the Clearinghouse for Environmental Education, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR), a research project formerly affiliated with the Environmental Working Group, Singer:    "has extensive ties to fossil fuels industries. On a Nightline program in February, 1994, it was revealed that Singer has accepted 'consulting fees from Exxon, Shell, Arco, Unocal and Sun Oil.' According to Ozone Action, an environmental organization, SEPP has also received funding from Monsanto, Philip Morris, and Texaco. Singer appeared as a witness during a 1995 Congressional ozone depletion hearing, claiming to have published several peer-reviewed papers on his theories about the huge ozone hole over the South Pole. When Congressional staff checked his references, they found that Singer's only published work on ozone depletion during the past 20 years had been one letter to the editor of SCIENCE magazine, and two articles in magazines that are not peer reviewed. "

Among the skeptics, Dr. S. Fred Singer stands out for being consistently
forthcoming about his funding by large oil interests. On a 1994 appearance
on the television program Nightline, Singer did not deny having received
funding from the Reverend Sun Myung Moon (to whose newspaper, The Washington
Times, he is a regular contributor and whose organization has published
three of his books). Nor has he apologized for his funding from Exxon,
Shell, ARCO, Unocal, and Sun Oil. Singer’s defense is that his scientific
position on global atmospheric issues predates that funding and has not
changed because of it.

Science and Environmental Policy Project

The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), run by former University of Virginia professor Dr. S. Fred Singer, has extensive ties to fossil fuels industries. On a Nightline program in February, 1994, it was revealed that Singer has accepted "consulting fees from Exxon, Shell, Arco, Unocal and Sun Oil." According to Ozone Action, an environmental organization, SEPP has also received funding from Monsanto, Philip Morris, and Texaco. Singer appeared as a witness during a 1995 Congressional ozone depletion hearing, claiming to have published several peer-reviewed papers on his theories about the huge ozone hole over the South Pole. When Congressional staff checked his references, they found that Singer's only published work on ozone depletion during the past 20 years had been one letter to the editor of SCIENCE magazine, and two articles in magazines that are not peer reviewed. Singer is a regular columnist in the Washington Times, a publication owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's far right Unification Church, where he has written many articles on climate change issues. In fact, Rush Limbaugh claims to get his information about the ozone depletion from sources that have been traced back to Singer (Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly, #522, November 28, 1996).

Exxon was a prominent member of the Global Climate Coalition (GCC), which until early 2002 was the most outspoken and confrontational lobby group battling global commitments to emissions reductions. (See information about front groups in part III) In 1992 the GCC began using well-known climate skeptics like Patrick Michaels, Robert Balling and Fred Singer (all partly funded by Exxon) as "experts" at press conferences in its attempts to undermine the credibility of accepted climate science and the findings of the IPCC.7

In February at a press conference in New York City, the GCC used professional skeptic Fred Singer to attack the IPCC science during the fifth session of negotiations (INC 5). The GCC also issued a briefing entitled "Stabilizing carbon dioxide emissions would have little environmental benefit," in which it cited climate skeptic Professor Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.8

That same year, Flannery was quoted by the World Coal Institute in a briefing for climate negotiators: "because model-based projections are controversial, uncertain, and without confirmation, scientists are divided in their opinion about the likelihood and consequences of climate change."9 Flannery ignored the fact that more than 2,000 scientists in the IPCC believed that the Earth would warm at rates that were unprecedented over the period of human history.

ExxonMobil - Funding the Skeptics
One of the most high profile skeptics in the climate change debate, S. Fred Singer, has recently denied receiving any oil company money, and claimed that his consulting for oil companies was solely "on the subject of oil pricing, some 20 years ago."59 Yet Exxon’s own documents60 show that in 1998, the company gave a grant of $10,000 to the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), of which Singer is the founding president, and another $65,000 to the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, which promotes and supports Singer’s work.61 In addition, in the past Singer has acknowledged receiving funding from Exxon.62

According to the Wall Street Journal63, ExxonMobil also funds the ultra-conservative and anti-environmentalist Frontiers of Freedom Institute, of which Singer is a staff member. Frontiers of Freedom was cited in the American Petroleum Institute (API) 1998 Global Science Communications Action Plan as a possible organization to help operationalize their anti- Kyoto strategy, to be funded by API and others in the fossil fuel industry.64

Singer has a history of public attacks on the integrity of the IPCC process.65 He has fabricated quotes from the former chair of the IPCC, Dr. Bert Bolin, in an attempt to suggest that Dr. Bolin had changed his mind about climate change.66 Singer was also the mastermind behind a Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) project that took fifty Republican students from the United States, trained in the skeptics’ arguments, to the climate negotiations in Bonn in 2001, to demonstrate in favor of Bush’s abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol.67 CFACT was also listed in the 1998 API plan mentioned above.

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